
A Woman’s Prerogative

I was originally going to archive this blog and made an announcement that it would not be updated any longer. Then I changed my mind. I am sorry to say that many of the older posts have lost YouTube content due to me deleting my YouTube account. I could not bear to see myself, such is the nature of gender disphoria.

I have now decided that this blog should become my own again. I changed the  name of the blog to match my new callsign. There is not much I can do to change the old posts to match my affirmed gender nor my new name.

I have moved from acreage in a regional city to a one bedroom apartment in Australia’s largest city. My partner and I lost our business, almost all of our possessions and personal wealth due to my depression, anxiety and panic attacks due to gender disphoria. My new location, housing arrangements and budget mean that I will not have the impressive station that I once had. I will have to find new ways to operate and new interests within amateur radio.

For those of you still interested in what I post, thank you.

(I since moved to Gunnedah NSW where I can pursue my gliding goals and now to Singleton)

Kimberly  VK2KMI/VK4KIM ex VK4MDX

When Almost Everything that Can Go Wrong, Does Go Wrong.

I’ve been challenged by a number of fairly costly things going wrong lately, from expensive drone repairs, to expensive aircraft repairs, to now what seems to be a possible expensive ham radio repair………….

………but then

But then……

The Patient is Doing Well

I’ve just come out of surgery for skin cancer. I’m sore and unable to do much walking. Instead I’ve been working on some things for my businesses, one of which is to repair this very expensive drone that I use at www.skyspec.com.au.

In the previous post, you can learn about what went wrong with the drone and why I’ll never buy another #Sensfly product. I’ve replaced the motor and fuse board and reassembled the drone. Some tests will be done over the next few days.

During surgery

Recovery after surgery

The Shack is a Mess But I’m ReConfiguring It

It’s been a while. I’ve been so busy creating and working on my businesses that I’ve not been in the shack much but I have enjoyed a few sessions on the HHH Net which is always great. Especially hearing that big signal from Chuck all the way over here in Oz.

I’ve purchased myself a new iMac for the shack and converted the old iMac over to Windows 10. Interesting that the RAM management of the latest Mac OS is so crap for old iMacs that windows 10 runs HEAPS faster on them. I do remember a time when Macs were all about utility. The new one is at least in my fave colour. Many of you will recognise the theme of my qsl card being used as wallpaper.

QSL card theme expanded to wallpaper

I’ve also been very busy with my other new purchase, affectionately known as TiKy. I’ve been creating a few YouTube videos featuring her.

See it at Fly Like a Girl – Fearless and Fabulous on YouTube

My work on my Drone Services Company is also proceeding nicely. We recently did some reporting on a civil works project that we used as a kind of case study at www.skyspec.com.au/civil-works/

Soon I’ll begin the repairs on my vintage radio equipment and bring that back into the shack

These are Johnson Viking Ranger II
Hamarlaund HQ170
Drake TR4C

Aviation- Love of flying is a disease, some people catch it and others don’t. It’s incurable.

Pilot Kimberly

On the Wallaby

Been a While